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Das Allgäu in den Alpen - Urlaubsinformationen zu den Themen Wandern, Wellness, Radfahren, Winter und Kultur in Bayern


members (2014):           27 municipalities + city of Kempten
inhabitants: 206.832
area: 1.453 km²
projects till 2013: 127
total volume: 19,3 Mio. €
funding: 8,3 Mio. €
projects 2007 - 2013: 84

further information in english (915 KB)
plus d`informations en francais (1 MB)
информа́ция по-ру́сски (1.3 MB)

An association supporting the Region

Regionalentwicklung Oberallgäu e.V.

Rural areas all over Europe face similar challenges:
  • lack of career options
  • migration and a declining number of inhabitants
  • depletion of infrastructure and, as a consequence, a decreasing quality of life
The Oberallgäu Region has to deal with those challenges by a strategy which is adjusted to the region’s particular features. For that purpose an association was founded in the year 2004, the so called “Regionalentwicklung Oberallgäu e.V.”.

LAG - Local/LEADER Action Group
The association represents the LEADER Action Group in the Oberallgäu Region and is therefore, along with the Department of Food, Agriculture and Forestry in Kempten (AELF), in charge of the LEADER programm.
The association is responsible for the development of the region and fosters the implementation of innovative projects. Municipal representatives as well as business and social partners equally decide on the support of measures in terms of common aims and mission statements. In this process, the LAG office acts as a contact point concerning all kinds of questions.
An important aspect is the citizens’ participation both on the decision level and on the level of implementation.

Functional scheme of the LEADER-Region Oberallgäu
Functional scheme of the LEADER-Region Oberallgäu



Our Local Development Strategy

What is happening until 2020?

How do we want to develop? What do we want to achieve? And how can we manage this?
In an intense process politicians and citizens of the region compiled a local development strategy (LES). In it, our aims for the region and the means of their implementation until 2020 are described by four main “fields of action" under the overall aim: “...together for the future of our region”:

Adding value – together for the future of our region

1. Strengthening regional economy and competitiveness

Protecting the environment – together for the future of our region

2. Preserve natural diversity and face climate change

Enhance living quality – together for the future of our region
3. Strengthening grown society structures and link them to the challenges of demographic change

Active governance – together for the future of our region
4. Purposeful implementation of regional management

For more information about the development goals see the following pdf:

Goals in more detail (328 KB)



Developed in the region to support the region

Successful projects

Regional actors implement innovative projects in the Oberallgäu Region which strengthens and develops the region as a whole.

Our Citizens shape their region…

  • by generating ideas
  • as volunteers
  • with professional competence
  • by their support in non-material ways
as sponsors Effects
Citizens and actors benefit from the realisation of new projects or their active cooperation within the association.
Quality of life enhances, local supply is ensured, regional value added increases, jobs and alternative income streams are created and the quality of leisure time facilities and offers for tourists increases.
Moreover, the public gets sensitised for the matters of rural development and synergy effects emerge.

Projects for instance

Marketing of regional products
The cooperation project “LandZunge” is one of the most qualified and most professional projects regarding the marketing of regional products of high quality. About 80 innkeepers as well as producers, suppliers and logisticians are aiming at– as partners of the network “LandZunge” – an increased use of regionally produced products in the catering sector which enhances the value added in the Allgäu region. Using the existing infrastructure of the “LandZunge” project as a basis and benefitting from the experiences made, the project “VitalZunge” targets the increased use of regional products in large-scale catering establishments. A similar project, supporting the use of regional products on alp cottages, is called “Allgäuer Alpgenuss”.

Working in a voluntary capacity
The project “Bürgerbrücke” is based on the involvement of citizens working on a voluntary basis. Citizens of two rural municipalities have built up a swing bridge across the river “Iller” to create a connection between their municipalities again as the ferry service closed down. The project “Freiwilligenagentur” aims at strengthening citizens’ involvement and encouraging the rural population to work in a voluntary capacity. The agency coordinates and fosters the networking in the region to gather offers for people which want to get involved in working as a volunteer.

Oberallgäu global

Visiting the Region of the Oberallgäu

Guests from all over Europe visited the Oberallgäu in the last years to learn about our regional management and best practice projects. If you are interested in visiting us as well, plaese contact us for further information. We'll be glad to create an interesting programm.

further information in english (3.7 MB)
plus d`informations en francais (1 MB)
further information in russian (1.3 MB)

Karte LEADER in Bayern: Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten


Regionalentwicklung Oberallgäu
im Grünen Zentrum Immenstadt
Kemptener Straße 39
87509 Immenstadt i. Allgäu
Tel.: 08323 99836-10

E-Mail: info@regionalentwicklung-oa.de
Vereinsregister Kempten VR 1838

Information in other languages

Das LAG-Management ist ein im Rahmen des GAP-Strategieplans Deutschland 2023-2027 gefördertes LEADER-Projekt im Freistaat Bayern - Fördertafel

Gefördert durch die Bayerische Verwaltung für Ländliche Entwicklung

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